As I walk away from the employmentcenter, reading Job Survival guide, interesting informative information for job seakers. As I read, I realize how wrong I may have been implementing my regional blogs, so quickly.
1 adopting the right attitude:
2 master breaking-in skills
3 Manage impressions you make...
4 Build effective relationships...
5 Understand organization's culture
6. Acquire knowledge, skills and abilities
Most common mistakes
misunderstand corporate culture 17 %
didn't ask enough questions 16 %
lacked integrity 6 %
didn't follow the rules 6 %
lacked attention to detail 5 %
made job related errors 5 %
Communicated Poorly 4 %
misrepresented the job description 4 %
other 14 %
source : diversity: Career Opportunities and insights,fall 2000
adapted from :
"My first Job Survival Guide, " Microsoft Corporation 2000